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In the name of a kind opener
Reezhan Tourism Restaurant
Reezhan Tourism Restaurant started its activities in 1397 in Gilan province and in the creative city of gastronomy, Rasht Ziba, and has a diverse menu of a variety of Iranian and national dishes. Which is ready to serve esteemed customers every day at dinner and lunch. In the Iranian menu, the main focus is on different types of kebabs. From the original Kermanshahi kebab ribs to the original Gilani kebab pilaf and other delicious Iranian kebabs, and in the menu of stews, Kermanshahi sliced stew and Qategh Gilani bean stew and other authentic Iranian stews are placed.
The restaurant’s menu includes Mexican kebabs such as Mexican rolls, Arabic reeds, Turkish Patli Janli and Lebanese kebabs, and fortunately it has been very popular with customers in all respects.
In terms of space, this restaurant is in the form of a triplex. There is a reception and a lobby on the ground floor. On the first floor there is a hall with a capacity of 70 people and on the next floor there is a VIP hall with a capacity of 50 people. It has also provided a pleasant and calm atmosphere for its customers for all kinds of celebrations and ceremonies.
The entrepreneur of this collection, Mr. Dr. Haghighi (internal medicine physician), has registered this collection in 1399 under the name of Bistoon Health Food Leading Company. And in order to improve and advance the quality level of the restaurant, it has succeeded in obtaining the following documents.
- ISO 22002 standard
- Oxford Head Standard
- Italian head
- Catering and restaurant quality management
- Management of tourist restaurants
- Health and quality inspection of union units
Therefore, thanks to God, this restaurant is in the category of first-class restaurants in the province by employing experienced staff and using the best raw materials. Also, Reezhan restaurant in 1399 has succeeded in obtaining a tourism license and the necessary standards to receive guests and esteemed domestic and foreign tourists. In this regard, it is ready to obtain contracts with tours and related organizations.
Managed by: Haghighi The
best tourist restaurant in Rasht
A variety of local dishes of Gilani, Kermanshahi and Iran and kebabs of nations
Working hours: every day from 12 to 16:30 and 19 to 24
Telephones: 09185676187 – 01333546004
Address: Rasht Moallem, Sargol Square, Shamsipour Street, corner of Hashemi Square